Beekeeping Courses from Introduction to the more advanced
Each of our branches runs a range of beekeeping courses from a basic introduction to beekeeping to more advanced study groups to prepare course attendees for the BBKA modules. You may however find that your own Branch is not running the course that you are looking for so it is worth remembering that members may attend the meetings and courses being run by any of the other Branches of Lancashire Beekeepers.
Here are the Education Coordinators for each Branch:
Blackpool Branch: Janet Preece
East Lancs Branch: Janet Murray
Lancaster Branch: Kevin Gilpin
Liverpool Branch: Cliff Porter
Ormskirk Branch: Tony Lee
Preston Branch: Alan Manwaring Contact no 01772 726212
Southport Branch: Diane Drinkwater
The L&NW Education Co-ordinators consist of:
Viki Cuthbertson Lancs Co-ordinator
Robina Johnstone Lancs Exam Secretary
Examinations & Assessments
The BBKA Examination Board offer written and practical examinations to educate and set standards for beekeepers.
The starting point and entry requirement for all other examinations and assessments is the Basic Assessment in Beekeeping; this practical assessment tests the basic skills and knowledge of the craft.
Correspondence Courses are available to help prepare for the Basic, the Microscopy or for the Modules.
Most branches run study groups to assist with study for the modules.
For more information please see your Branch Education Officer listed above.
Details of the fees for all examinations and assessments are available here:
Our Application form and general guidelines can be downloaded using the following links: