Spring Convention

Saturday 1st March 2025 at 9.00am

Provisional timetable

9am. Registration, refreshments

9.30am  Keeping bees healthy Enid Brown 

Enid has been keeping bees for 30 years. She presently runs just over 40 colonies. She is president of two local associations and Publicity and Shows Officer for the Scottish Beekeepers so beekeeping seems like a full time hobby.

Enid holds the Scottish Beekeepers Apiarian Certificate which is similar to the BBKA Advanced Certificate and is an SBA and BBKA Honey Judge. She is well known as the Judges Referee at the National Honey Show and also organises the judges at the World Beekeeping Awards for Apimondia.

10.45am Refreshments

11.15am Upside Down beekeeping and Bee.Watch

Bee.Watch is based in Oxfordshire, UK, where we keep and manage our own apiary and hives for beekeeping research. Bee.Watch has developed the No.1 apiary management system on the market. Its features include Swarm Collection, mentoring of beginners, Hive records, Apiary Management, managing Pollination Services, and environmental observations, using Apps

12.30pm Lunch

1.45pm Presentation and Raffle Draw

2.30pm Double Brood  Enid Brown

3.45pm Close

Enid Brown

Enid has been keeping bees for 30 years. She presently runs just over 40 colonies. She is president of two local associations and Publicity and Shows Officer for the Scottish Beekeepers so beekeeping seems like a full time hobby.

Enid holds the Scottish Beekeepers Apiarian Certificate which is similar to the BBKA Advanced Certificate and is an SBA and BBKA Honey Judge. She is well known as the Judges Referee at the National Honey Show and also organises the judges at the World Beekeeping Awards for Apimondia.

Stalls will include

Heritage Seeds, Northern Bee Books, Dreaded Mead, Bee.Watch, Viki's Bee products

Convention Arrangements

The Convention will be held at Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire PR2 8RA.

Lunch (included)  will be either beef hot pot or vegetable lasgne. Please indicate if the vegetarian option is required, on the reply form.

Refreshments available morning and afternoon are included.

Booking arrangements

The fee for the Convention will be £25.00 for the full day including lunch. Under 18s pay only £10.00 (for the meal).

Early Bird Discount: If payment is received by 12 noon Friday 21st Feb 2025,  the fee for the Convention is only £20 (still only £10 for under 18s).

Both the following steps are required to book places:

Alternatively, send cheques made payable to “Lancashire & North-West Beekeepers " to Liane Doree, 3 Parsonage Rd, Blackburn, BB1 9NN asap, to make the catering easier. To qualify for the Early Bird Discount, the payment must have been received by 12 noon Friday 21st February 2025.

When payment has been received you will be sent an e-mail confirming your places have been booked.

Photos from the 2020 event

Photos from the 2019 event

Photos taken by Simon Cordingley

Photos from the 2013 event

2013 Photos taken by Caroline Mackenzie